A game created for the Norwich Game Jam 2024!!

You lied on your job application and now you're a translator for many Alien species from beyond the stars!! Time to wing it and make up your own translations !!

A game by Olivia, Mason and Alex

We finished everything but didn't get the time to export all the dialog we wrote into the game engine, so unfortunately it remains technically unfinished. However in this version you get to see all of our art and assets, so we hope you enjoy none the less :)


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I feel bad you weren't able to make it onto the jam page, that this lack of visibility may be netting you less feedback, so here's some from me, saying what I like and making sure you're well aware of what needs to be fixed, like I've done with every game.

Anyway, the graphics are nice and stylistic and I like the gameplay concept. I also found a bug in which the first two letters of "first caller" quickly go missing for whatever reason.